We have several interesting events coming! These include: We hope to see you there! More information? Check out our Instagram page @stai.amnesty!
Upcoming Events

Students Tilburg Amnesty International
We have several interesting events coming! These include: We hope to see you there! More information? Check out our Instagram page @stai.amnesty!
We collect money because human rights are being violated worldwide. Amnesty is committed to freedom and a just world for all. To be able to do this we need money and that’s why we collect every year. Due to covid-19, the annual collection week of STAI will take place completely digitally. This is of course different, but it can be …
Take action against injustice. It can truly change someone’s life! December 10 is International Human Rights Day. In the weeks around this day, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide take action with Write for Rights. Then they write letters for other people who have been wronged. People are writing everywhere – In the Netherlands too, people write letters, with pen and …