STAI will be hosting a sustainable fashion clothes swap this Friday, 14 October!
Read below to learn more about sustainable fashion and the human rights concerns of the fast fashion industry 🪡 We will be exploring these issues through discussions along with the sustainable clothing swap!
You can drop off your clothes from 10:00 – 12:00 in room MDZ 112, and come by between 12:00 – 16:00 to check out what clothes are available to swap✨✨
We can’t wait to see you there!!
The fast fashion industry:
The fast fashion industry is one of the most labour-dependent industries. The industry has brought about widespread human rights violations in global supply chains and has fuelled the climate crisis. According to the ILO, 7 million workers work under poor working conditions. Human trafficking, forced labor, slavery practices, and child labor have also been identified as violations in global garment supply chains.
Furthermore, around 80% of the workers in the garment industry are women. Poor and dangerous working conditions, low wages, deprivation of workers’ rights, gender-based harassment and violence, and opportunist employers worsen the societal and cultural limitations many women face and exacerbate the already worrying human rights situations.
Fast fashion is a shared problem and is maintained by all of our general consumer habits, particularly by not knowing where our clothes come from and the supply chains that led to our new clothes. So, as consumers, we can all do something to work against these violations of human rights. This could include buying fewer clothes; buying from ethical sources; reusing, refurbishing, and recycling used clothes; donating or swapping used clothes; selling second-hand clothes, and buying from second-hand stores. This is why with our clothing swap we want to make a first step and show you how rewarding it can be to engage sustainably.